08 February, 2009

New Porcelain Bowls

I hope these 2 porcelain bowls will make it through the bisque firing without cracking and without everything falling off...


  1. You bowls are wonderful I hope they make it through the bisque firing. How are you planning on glazing them? Your teapots are really coming along too. Beautiful work.

  2. @ Linda: Thanks! These will be put in the wood firing and I will likely fill with empty spaces with black underglaze and apply a clear glaze on top; the same as the vase and teapot from the Fall 2008 semester. I like the white of the porcelain and would like to keep it.

  3. Excellent bowls! Good luck with the firings. I can't wait to see the finished products.

  4. cool bowls... did they come out ok?

  5. these bowls with come with me to a wood firing on April and I hope they make into the kiln ;^)
